Shaun Stenning

November 30, 2020

Why Did Sutai Experiences Start Up During Covid 19?

The owners of Sutai Experiences, Amy, Nando, and Shaun have been friends for years. Nando being Phuket’s leading BJJ coach was a coach to Shaun’s son Lucus and Amy owning the best Muay Thai Gym for kids in Phuket meant that Shaun was regularly visiting Sutai Muay Thai for BJJ and Muay Thai training for his son Lucus. […]
January 4, 2021

What Kind Of Experiences Does Sutai Experiences Offer?

If you are looking for a VIP Small Group Tour to the Islands surrounding Phuket then look no further than Sutai Experiences. Using our combined knowledge and experience we have created a number of unique, customized VIP Small Group Tours for our customers to enjoy. […]